I am Akshath Jitendranath, a Postdoctoral Fellow in Philosophy and Economics at the Paris School of Economics. By way of stating my academic identity, economists think I'm a philosopher, while philosophers think I'm an economist. Let's just say that I enjoy playing Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in my academic work which is at the intersection of philosophy and economics. Indeed, I have published in philosophy journals (Journal of Philosophy) as well as economics journals (Journal of Mathematical Economics) and interdisciplinary journals (Theory and Decision). My paper in the Journal of Philosophy also won the Isaac Levi Prize (2023).
I grew up in Bangalore, India. And in this context it is worth stating that while I do not take the South Asian sub-continent to be my direct object of research in any immediate way, I spend a lot of my free time thinking about South Asian society, its history, its culture, and its various discontents. I hope to publish some of these thoughts as soon as I feel confident enough to do so.
When I am not engaged by my intellectual pursuits, I enjoy cooking, tending to my houseplants, reading poetry, curating playlists on Spotify, supporting Arsenal Football Club, and watching Test match cricket.
You can email me at akshath [dot] jitendranath [at] psemail [dot] eu or you can connect with me on PhilPeople or Twitter/X.